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Kasimda Swingturk, Ankara ve Istanbul'da Swing workshopu gerceklestiriyor.
Bilgi: thework_shop@yahoo.com

Egitmen: Burness M. Gibson

Ankara programi belirlendi:

Saturday, November 15 suggested schedule:
10am beginner Lindy Hop 1:
Swing out and whip 8 count savoy and Hollywood style into and out of 6 count basics.
11:15am beginner Lindy Hop 2
Swing out, circle and Charleston transitions
12:30pm beginner Lindy Hop and Charleston basics to intermediate
1:30-2:45 Lunch
2:45pm Lindy Hop and Charleston intermediate fun!
4:00pm Lindy Hop and Charleston bonus moves! How to move up through intermediate to advanced!

Sunday, November 16 suggested schedule:
10am Beginner Lindy Hop 1 repeat. OR All levels-Boogie Woogie verses West Coast Swing verses East Coast Swing basics.
11:15am All Levels-Collegiate Shag and introduction to Saint Louis Shag!
12:30pm All Levels-Carolina Shag!
1:30-2:45 Lunch
2:45pm All Levels-Balboa basics!
4:00pm All Levels-Balboa Swing basics!